Equipment Fitting and Training

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The most important aspect of insuring a successful treatment is proper fitting equipment, and training. Most failed treatments are a direct result of patient error or of equipment that does not properly fit.

When our patient technicians deliver your equipment to your home, they will have you try it on and make adjustments to insure that the equipment fits you properly. They also provide training on how to effectively use and care for the equipment.

Mask Fit Guarantee

For sleep apnea products such as CPAPs and BiPAPs that require a breathing mask, Brite provides an unconditional Mask Fit Guarantee. If your mask does not fit you properly, you will likely stop using your equipment, resulting in a failed treatment. Brite works with you to determine which of our over 200 mask options work best for you. As part of our Mask Fit Guarantee, patients can test the mask for up to 30 days. If it does not fit properly, we will exchange the mask for a different model.

Additional information

New product purchase

If you purchase new equipment from Brite, fitting and training are included for free.

Existing product

If you have your own equipment and want to know more about it, we can provide training for CPAPs, electrotherapy devices, braces and supports,


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